Faith-based schools

DreamClass helps you efficiently manage all of your processes, affordably, at a fraction of the time. Professional level school management for your faith-based school, focusing on you and your students.

Features are fully functional for 7 days.
Plans starting from $39/mo.

  • Manage your students
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  • Manage sponsorships and payments
    asfd asdfasdf sdf
  • Manage your admissions
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What an amazing era we live in!

DreamClass brings all the best treats from the world of technology, in an easy-to-use, affordable, all-round solution, allowing you to be productive and retain control over your school, at a fraction of the cost and time.

Admissions, enrollment and student profiles

Create student profiles and manage admissions and enrollment and student performance. Automate the majority of your tasks, helping administrators and teachers save time; all, while eliminating mistakes stemming from manual paperwork.

Online payments and sponsorship management

Streamline your financials, keeping tabs on sponsorships, payments and installments, all in one place. Manage and monitor online payments from convenient, popular payment systems. DreamClass supports Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay and Braintree.

Online assessments and supervision

Allow teachers, students and parents or guardians to perform assessments online, with the simplicity of a text-based form. All assessments are automatically saved to the student’s or teacher’s profile for future reference. You can now rest easy, always knowing how your teachers and students perform.

Easy attendance management and automated notifications

Easy, online — even remote — attendance management allows for absolute control of your classes, avoiding accidental omissions or tedious, error-prone processes. Attendance may also be delegated to teachers, reducing costs and overhead. Instantly share attendance data and immediately notify parents and guardians.

Features available on all plans

Give it a try for 7 days

or view our pricing plans