When thinking of steps and tips to improve school performance, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? You’ll probably agree with me that there are plenty of methods and strategies that, when applied properly, do pay off in the long run. However, speaking of the feasible and practical means you may use with this perspective in mind, would you consider a student information system to be one of them? Well, you probably should 😊.
In what follows, we’ll show you different ways our student information system, DreamClass, helps improve school performance from day one. Before we go straight into the tangible actions you may take — and the pros that derive from them — let’s first clarify what we mean by (improved) school performance.
What does school performance mean to you?
Many people believe that school performance has to do merely with improved student performance. At DreamClass, we recognize that student performance is a top priority for all educational organizations of any size. However, we believe that, in order to achieve optimum student performance, schools need to efficiently manage a host of processes and administrative tasks that may — or may not — be directly connected to performance.
Indicative measures of student and school performance
- Learning results (gradebooks, current grades, scores)
- Attendance data
- Enrollment performance (low drop-out rate)
- Student, parent and teacher satisfaction
To elaborate, you may measure student performance with grades, scores, final results, attendance data and so forth; but, in reality, it’s the way you run your school as a whole that impacts the progress that is being made by students. In a similar fashion, student, parent and teacher satisfaction is key for your school’s performance and, consequently, sustainability. That is to say, the way different members of your community see your school, serves as a means of measurement for school performance; and, as a result, it affects your organization’s future.
Seeing it from another perspective, your teachers’ satisfaction guarantees the presence of well-qualified teachers in your school; which (ideally) leads to improved student performance. Similarly, student satisfaction leads to increased enrollment performance. That has to do with whether the number of students enrolled in multiple subjects and classes has increased or not; and if there is also a low drop-out rate.
So, all in all you cannot improve school performance without taking care of school management. And it’s that kind of effective management that will most likely have a positive impact on your school’s performance and student progress. The way to achieve that is by making the most out of the tools available.
Let’s see the ways our solution helps you in that direction.
How can you improve school performance with a student information system?
With the help of our student information system, schools and educational organizations are able to carry out a nearly exhaustive host of tasks, in a much more efficient way than they would do without it. Processes, tasks and responsibilities that would slow down the workflow of administrators, principals, teachers and other roles, are now performed in seconds. That alone translates into an improved overall school performance.
To elaborate, our student information system helps you organize and automate core tasks, offering exactly the functionality you need from such a tool. In short, with DreamClass you’ll enjoy the following:
- Program and curriculum management
- Attendance management
- Gradebook management
- Tuition management
- Student portal
- Teacher portal
- Guardian portal
These are only some of the features you’ll find in all of our subscription plans. All of these features help make school management way more efficient; but, as we mentioned earlier, school performance is more than that.
Let’s dive into the functionality details that can take school performance to the next level.
7 insightful ways DreamClass helps you improve school performance
With DreamClass, you can achieve the following goals:
1. Increase parent involvement, allowing them to contribute to students’ school performance
You can increase parent and guardian involvement, with the minimum required effort from admins. To elaborate, administrators will no longer struggle to properly organize and share student performance information. Whereas, parents and guardians will be able to login to their personalized portal, to check on their children’s performance. This helps improve both student performance and school performance.
2. Improve collaboration between teachers and administrators
Student performance data is no longer siloed. Teachers and administrators get access to information that is now available online and they are both able to work on it collaboratively, to achieve different goals.
For example, attendance data, once submitted by teachers, is available to admins; and vice versa. This allows for both of them to instantly take further action, if needed. Attendance data include details such as the number of students present, late or absent (unexcused, excused) etc.
Apart from attendance data, they’re also able to co-work on other aspects that have an impact on student performance. In short, they can:
- Create and work on online gradebooks
- Fill in student assessments
3. Empower administrative roles with reporting tools
Roles with admin rights, whether they’re administrators, teachers, principals or any other member of your school’s staff or faculty, are now able to use ready-made reports. In particular, reporting for student performance includes:
Performance report cards and official transcripts
They are automatically created for each one of the students. Admins are able to print and share them with parents, if needed. The information includes grades and absences per class etc.
Editable online results matrices
These matrices — that include all classes a student has enrolled in — are also automatically created. Administrators only need to fill in the proper values: passed, not passed, pending.
All in all, these roles, which are, most of the time, responsible for setting up a strategy as to how they need to deal with specific scenarios and/or patterns in students’ behaviors, are now able to collaboratively work towards that direction; making the most of the available information.
In a similar fashion, they may also use additional school performance indicators, such as:
- The number of school periods/subjects each student has been enrolled in.
- Or, alternatively, the number of students enrolled in a specific subject per school period etc.
This way, they’ll be able to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the curriculum offered, based on students’ preferences. Perhaps, also, offering useful insights into which subjects you can build and monetize on.
4. Performance reports relevant to economics — your school as a business
If you need a different perspective on how you can improve school performance, you may also need to take tuition fees into consideration. That is to say, if your school, academy or education organization charges students with tuition fees. you’ll also need to improve the way you manage that aspect, too. With DreamClass, you may take good care of school economics. How? First of all, you can create and manage tuition fees and the pertinent invoices. Additionally, guardians and students — in case you’re dealing with adult students — are not only able to view fees and issued invoices from their account; they can also proceed with payments, using their favorite payment methods. Furthermore, administrators are able to view summaries and reports related to tuition fees (paid, unpaid, overdue invoices etc.) and take quick action about any issue, by notifying students and/or guardians straightaway.
5. Additional student performance insights — evaluate your school’s educational goals
- Make the most of generics reports, such as an overview of notes that teachers and/or admins have created, associated with student profiles. Inspect details and tags you may have added, to quickly find critical information related to any aspect of interest.
- Attendance summaries: Filter attendance details, using date filters and/or class filters to notify students massively or per-case; exactly as you’d do with parents and guardians — regarding their absences
6. Teachers are able to work on performance data to further improve their teaching methods
Teachers are able to edit and/or inspect student cards containing information such as the following:
- Attendance records
- Gradebooks
- Assessments they have assigned to students
- Report cards with all the aforementioned details
- Notes, to justify their perspective
All the above information is available to them from their portal, to access it from anywhere they are. This helps teachers improve school performance, by improving the quality of teaching they’re bringing to the table.
7. Collaboration between teachers and guardians
Teachers are able to massively contact parents and guardians, if needed, to inform them about any of the various aforementioned issues.
Get a holistic view of your school’s performance, with DreamClass
The strategies to improve school performance are not necessarily limited to leadership decisions that head of schools will make from time to time. With a student information system like DreamClass, you can manage and improve school performance from day one. By making all student information and data accessible to all interested parties — admins, teachers, students, guardians, etc. — you’ll manage to increase parental involvement and, consequently, improve student performance. But these are only a subset of the ways you’ll manage to stay ahead of the pack and have everyone in your community satisfied.
If you value school performance and you’re looking for a way to breathe new life to your school, try DreamClass, for free. See all of the functionality described above, in practice, for yourself.