We know how important it is for you to keep your financials under control. That’s why we decided to upgrade the functionality DreamClass offers, regarding financial administration. In short, the major change is that we now support online school fees payments with Stripe!
We’ve also improved your tuition fees management with pre-fixed payment models for your classes. In the same fashion, we also made due and past payments reports available to you. You can now track payment history, per student. But these are only some of the improvements we’ve made so far. Read on to find out all about the new functionality you’ll be enjoying from now on, in DreamClass.
Online school fees payments with Stripe and more
Here’s an overview of the financial management upgrades we’ve made and how these changes can benefit your school.
School fees payments with Stripe
With DreamClass, you’re now able to receive school fee payments online. All you have to do is set up your payments’ profile within the platform and you’re ready to go. In short, you may use your existing Stripe account — if you already have one — or create a new one, from scratch. It only takes a few clicks, and you’ll be ready to receive payments in your account. Moreover, you may also specify whether payments will be made by Guardians and/or by Students, in case your school or academy works mostly with adult students. The best part of this change is that, with Stripe, students and parents/guardians don’t need to have an account to proceed with their payments.
Pre-fixed tuition fees models, ready to use
Till recently, you could create payment plans for your students’ tuition fees, in the form of installment agreements. You’ll still be able to do so, but in a much more efficient way.
In particular, you’ll be able to choose the pre-fixed fee payment model that serves the needs of each one of your classes.
The available fee models you can apply to all the registered students in a class include:
- one-off fee payments (mostly used for enrollment fees)
- monthly fee payment (the simplest and most common model)
- and finally, custom/periodic fee payments. That is, you are able to create recurring payments in the form of installments and allow for your students to amortize tuition fees within a specified period of time.
And that’s, more or less, the way you’ve managed tuition fees till now; but in a simpler manner.
- You can prepare these fee models for each one of your classes in advance; and have them ready for application on all students registered to each class.
- You can create and apply multiple payment fee models for each one of your classes, to support extra payment needs, such as one-off registration; apart from recurring ones.
Advanced financial reports
Now, you’re able to monitor your financials with the pertinent and succinct reports that allow you to track student payment history, per class. In particular, you’re able to filter student debts and payments by class and by date; and, thus, get all the information you need. This way, you can take immediate action, as to how you’re going to deal with each case.
Import student data, in minutes
You no longer need to register student data one by one. Now, you can easily upload all of your student data, with a CSV file. In particular, all you have to do is download the XLS template we’ve prepared for you, fill in your student data and upload it directly to DreamClass.
Alternatively, you may use your own CSV file, provided that you’ve tweaked its structure to accommodate for the same format as the template. Once you’ve uploaded the corresponding file to the platform, you can massively upload all students into your current school period, from the “Students/Import” tab.
Get your students’ guardians on board
We built a new role that reflects your students’ guardians, as entities within DreamClass. More specifically, guardians are connected with students to follow and support them in their learning journey. This allows for teachers or admins to notify them about any issue, whenever the need arises. As an administrator, you can allocate multiple guardian entities per student, specifying the particular relationship (mother, father, brother, grandfather etc.) accordingly. This could prove to be extremely useful to teachers, as they’ll be able to have all the information they need regarding the person responsible for each one of their students.
Easily convey messages to students and/or guardians from within the platform
We have improved the ad-hoc functionality that allows you to communicate with your students and their guardians, from within the platform. Now, you’re able to share specific information with parents/guardians or/and students. This option allows you to easily share sensitive information only with parents and guardians whenever needed. Finally, you also have access to the log of messages you’ve exchanged with any or all of your recipients.
Flexibility of curriculum creation with single-subject Classes and bundle-subject Classes
We’ve changed the way you structure your classes, so that it fits the needs of schools that have either complex or simple curriculum structures. Now, you’re able to assign Classes with a single Subject or alternatively create Classes assigned multiple Subjects. Subsequently, once you’ve registered your students to a Class, you’re ready to enroll them to one or more Subjects of that Class; based on their educational goals and needs. This way, you get all the flexibility you need to design your school curriculum, based on your school’s special characteristics.
Customize your subscription account with localization settings
Last but not least, we’ve made a few tweaks to make sure that DreamClass appeals to your country’s defaults. You’re now able to customize your DreamClass account to support your local currency and preferred date format. In particular, you can:
- Select your currency opting for Dollar, Euro or Pound.
Note here that all of these currencies are directly associated with Stripe’s setup. - And, finally, choose the date format that best suits your needs.
Release Notes
New features
- Integrated Stripe, to facilitate online school fees payments
- Created and made available the Guardians Portal, to give access to your students’ parents and guardians
- Implemented bulk import of students, directly to the platform
- Improved payment history tracking, per class
- Added localization settings
- Single-subject Classes and bundle-subject Classes curriculum structures
- Communication channels that allow you to flow direction
- Pre-fixed tuition fee models